Hi everyone!
We’re gearing up for our next Canine Good Citizen group testing! The next test is slated for August 12th at 6:00. Our preparation session will be the 29th at 6:00 at Buechel Park (2272 Beargrass Avenue). We have a big field to work in there. This gives you a couple weeks to iron out any kinks before the big test! I’ve never had a client fail the CGC and I don’t expect you to be the first!
If you are interested in getting this certification, come out to the prep! It’s free and is just a way to preview the test itself. If you’re not ready for the test quite yet, this will show you what you need to work on!
What you can expect: your dog needs to be working for you OFF the prong collar. They can be on your transition collar: a flat collar or a choke chain. Your dog will have all four paws and ears examined and be brushed by a stranger. Your dog will meet a stranger dog face-to-face (either a Great Dane – not Rosie – or a German Shepherd), your dog needs to be Heeling, Sitting, Downing, Staying, and Recalling reliably, and your dog will need to be performing a 3 minute out of sight Stay, seeing you walk across a parking lot to your car while in their Stay.
If it sounds like you’re up the challenge (and all my grads should be!!!) come on out! If you’re not and want a great reason to polish your dog’s training, I’d love to see you and fix any sticking points! Don’t feel bad if your training has slid or you haven’t kept up with your work, I’d love to get you back on track and getting this diploma from the AKC is a good reason to do so!
You can find more info on the test here.
Happy training!